Kverneland Seed Drills 2018-05-08T15:07:50+00:00

Cultivator Mounted -Pneumatic Seed Drills

Kverneland Accord DA

The Classic Pneumatic Seed Drill

Kverneland Accord s-drill

More than just a drill!

Kverneland Accord s-drill PRO

Strong, Secure, Successful!

Kverneland Accord i-drill PRO

Integrated, Innovative, Intelligent

Kverneland DF-1

Maximum Flexibility and Balance

Kverneland DF-2

Maximum Flexibility and Balance

Mounted- Trailed Pneumatic Seed Drill

Kverneland Accord DL

 Compact, light duty tractor mounted seed drill (3.0m – 4.5m)

Kverneland Accord FlexCart

The Kverneland Accord FlexCart is a trailed seed cart with 4,300 litre hopper capacity for efficient seeding

Mechanical seed drill

Kverneland Accord mc-drill PRO

Cultivator-mounted mechanical seed drill


Kverneland Kultistrip

The new Kultistrip is Kverneland’s answer for strip-till, an innovative tillage procedure for row cultures such as maize, sugar beet, sunflower or rape seed.